1111 11 Ave SW. Calgary, AB +1 403.817.6485 networking@ccislive.ca

Utilizing Community as a Tool for Professional Development

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dennis Agbegha, Senior Commercial Manager of BDC

SUCCESS STORY: Artur Dieiev, Marketing Specialist

On February 29th, 2024, during the networking event, our keynote speaker Dennis Agbegha shared valuable insights on leveraging the resources surrounding us, especially within our community. The better you are at surrounding yourself with people of high potential, the greater your chance for success. Dennis emphasized the importance of turning these resources into our own network, as the community is your network. Networks and communities can be incredibly beneficial for skill development, but they require active involvement and contribution, which I couldn’t agree more with. Networking is more about farming than it is about hunting. If you do so, you're well on your way to success.

We also had Artur Dieiev, a valued client from CCIS, share his success story. With years of experience in digital marketing and having visited 39 countries, Artur brings a global perspective to his work. He discussed the HADI process he uses to land opportunities in Canada and encouraged attendees to create your own network event if you are not filling comfortable to attend social event.

Artur's story also underscores the positive impact of CCIS in helping individuals reach their goals.

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Navigating your Career Pathways in Age of AI

We had a fantastic morning at the Networking for Success breakfast hosted by our Business, Employment, and Training Services at the Calgary Catholic Immigration Society! This time, the spotlight was on pathways navigation in the age of AI, and the insights shared were truly eye-opening. 

We were privileged to have two incredible guest speakers grace the event: 

Lise Stransky enlightened us on the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Job Search and Talent Recruitment. Her expertise shed light on the transformative impact of AI in today's job market, leaving us with valuable takeaways. 

Sara Struthers took the stage to present the Digital Platform Hub, a cutting-edge initiative from the SAIT Continuing Education team. Exploring new dimensions in team development, she showcased the future of digital platforms and their role in shaping skill sets for success. 

The audience was not just a passive crowd but actively engaged in the discussions sparked by these thought-provoking presentations! It was inspiring to witness the exchange of ideas and the collective enthusiasm towards embracing the evolving landscape of technology. 

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Rock Your Personal Brand: Secrets to Professional Success

KEYNOTE SPEAKER:  David Fletcher, Talent Acquisition Consultant with the City of Calgary.

SUCCESS STORY: Jane Ahanonu, Associate Consultant with IBM.

On November 30, 2023,  during the Networking event, the keynote speaker David will unveil the secrets to professional success through personal branding, ensuring that participants are well-equipped to enhance their personal brand and excel in today's competitive business landscape.

In addition, our valued client Jane shared her career journey which was highly motivating and inspirational! She talked about how the programs and the community in Calgary including CCIS programs assisted her to gain employment and what is her own stratregy to land opportunities. 

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Career Success Strategies: Insights from Banking and Beyond

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: David Yang, Branch Manager of BMO Bank.

SUCCESS STORY: Oleg Kostyuchok, Finance Leader at Amplify Advisors.

On Oct 26, 2023. During the networking event, our keynote speaker David Yang has shared valuable insights on how to get your foot at the door of any industry and how to transit from one field to the other. He also unveiled the secrets to creating lasting, authentic connections and will inspire you to craft your own success story through the power of networking!

We also have Oleg Kostyuchok, a valued CCIS client, immigrated to Canada in November 2022. When he first arrived in Canada, he was a CEO back in his country in the field of finance. He shared his success story on how to overcome the gap and strategies tips to land an opportunity through networking. Oleg’s inspiring journey is a shining example of resilience and perseverance. his story also highlights the positive impact of CCIS in helping individuals reach their goals!

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Being Seen, Heard, and Felt - Elevate Your Networking

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Jerry Caingcoy, Founder, and president of The Filipino champions of Canada (TFCC), Director of the Calgary Region Immigrant Economic Council (CRIEC), Financial leader at City of Calgary.

SUCCESS STORY: Nikhil Biware, Fuel Inventory Manager at Centex Petroleum.

On September 28, 2023. During the networking event, our keynote speaker Jerry Caingcoy has shared valuable insights on how to transform your networking approach, going beyond the basics. He also unveiled the secrets to creating lasting, authentic connections and will inspire you to craft your own success story through the power of networking!

We also have Nikhil Biware, a valued CCIS client, immigrated to Canada in 2018 and settled in Calgary in 2020. When he first arrived in Canada, he was a stay-at-home dad. Today, he is an Inventory Manager at Centex. Nikhil has shared his inspiring journey and for being a shining example of resilience and perseverance. Nikhil's story also highlights the positive impact of CCIS in helping individuals reach their goals.

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Level Up Your Networking & Self Marketing Strategies

EYNOTE SPEAKER Katherine Lesperance, Founder & Executive Officer at Sensible Marketer Inc.

SUCCESS STORY: Babajide Aiyepe, Creative Strategist, Deskside Support Technician at Kyndryl

On November 30, 2022,  During the Networking event, the keynote speaker Katherine Lesperance shared insightful information on how to plan and level up networking skills and self-marketing strategies. Katherine also shared resources and focused on what employers chose candidates to join their workforce in Canada.

In addition, our client’s journey Babajide Aiyepe was highly motivating and inspirational, Babajide spoke about how the programs and the community in Calgary including CCIS programs assisted him to gain employment, Babajide also mentioned that he transferred his skills into the tech industry.


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Recognizing Your Leadership to Evolve through Change

EYNOTE SPEAKER Panos Kantzilieris, Business Development Manager at MACINK Consulting & Founder member of Sales Institute of Greece

SUCCESS STORY: Ciza Zoya, Creative Strategist, Project Coordinator at Alberta Network of Immigrant Women 

According to Harvard business review when managers and employees become leaders, three distinct but interdependent forms of networking—operational, personal, and strategic—plays a vital role in their transition. Creating a fabric of personal contacts who will provide support, feedback, insight, resources, and information—is simultaneously one of the most self-evident and one of the most dreaded developmental challenges that aspiring leaders. 

On October 31, 2022, during the Networking event, the keynote speaker Panos Kantzilieris, focused on addressing how to professionals can recognize their leadership skills to evolve through change. immigrant professionals in Canada can focus on their leadership skills to overcome drastic economic and personal changes. Panos delivered strategic methods of how one can recognize their leadership skills and utilize it at workplace.

In addition, our client’s journey Ciza Zoya was motivating, Zoya shared her journey and success on how CCIS programs such as Networking for Success and Career Bridging Workshop Program guided her, also platforms like LinkedIn were highly beneficial and landed her the position she is in, she also shared on how volunteering helped her to meet new people and gain industry information, she gained more confidence and advised the audience to never give up. 

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Learning your Strategic Strength through Networking

KEYNOTE SPEAKERShivi Agarwal, Customer Success Manager at Kudos, Author of Landed & Founder at The Startup Impact

SUCCESS STORY: Lyndin D’Penha, Senior Customer Experience Associate at Scotia Bank 

Newcomer professionals must learn Canadian workplace culture, it will help them to have more chances to secure employment in their field faster. 

On September 29, 2022, during the Networking event, the keynote speaker Shivi Agarwal, focused on addressing how to strategically strengthen networking skills, such as how to build, connect and maintain relationships. she also emphasized why and who you know is highly important to advance a career in Canada. Additionally, she described Canadian workplace culture's dos and don’ts. 

In addition, our client’s journey Lyndin D’Penha was inspiring, Lyndin shared his journey and success on how CCIS programs such as Networking for Success and Mentorship for Integration assisted him to boost his confidence and necessary knowledge to gain employment in his professional field. Lyndin shared and advised immigrant professionals to network and build relationships, but also seek mentorship in their field, the journey was motivational and inspiring.

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The Art of Self Innovation

KEYNOTE SPEAKER Joseph Macdonald, Training Consultant, at SAIT

SUCCESS STORY:  Nasratullah Andar, Network IT Analyst at Kaizen Auto Group

On June 14, 2022, during the Networking event, the keynote speaker focused on addressing how to reinvent yourself as a new immigrant professional in Canada. Envisioning your future self starts with thinking of someone different and focusing on a clear goal, also the proposal of leaving your home country and creating a new identity to enter the road to success. If you can get over your fear of career change, there are massive opportunities to transfer your existing skills and aim at learning new skills. 

Our keynote speaker Joseph Macdonald from SAIT, during the event, focused on the journey of how to reinvent yourself by sharing his professional journey especially when Canada has enormous support via programs such as Networking for Success and Mentorship for integration. 

In addition, our client’s journey Nasratullah Andar who recently moved to Canada from Afghanistan was motivational and inspiring.

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How to Network Through Existing Connections


KEYNOTE SPEAKER Osaki Edunro, Integrated Marketing Manager, at Enverus

SUCCESS STORY: Uche U, Business Analyst at Eligeo

On May 26, 2022, during Networking event, the speakers focused on addressing the importance of mainting relationship among your existing connections. Career development, in its simplest terms, is the evolution of you career. It's influenced by several things that include the jobs you hold, the experiences you gain in and out of your workplace, the growth and success you achieve at each stage of your career, the formal and informal education and training you receive, and the feedback you're provided with along the way.

Ideally, organizations would place more emphasis on employee development in the workplace. However, in this era you take control of your career. Hence the importance of networking for career development, as you network, you'll uncover opportunities to connect with different types of mentors and advisors, increase your visibility, further develop your areas of expertise, and improve your soft skills.

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Mastering Yourself - Personal Branding

KEYNOTE SPEAKERJey Kumar, Becht Eng, Technical Advisor, Oil and Gas Professional

SUCCESS STORY: Srikar Samudrala, Technical Support Representative, Intertek 

On April 21, 2022 Networking event, the speakers focused on the importance of Self marketing strategy as area of growth for professionals in the current Calgary labour market. In the recent years there has been a shift in industry demands to attract ideal employers you must showcase your skills and experiences and brand yourself as a professional that enables you to make a strategic shift career and opens doors for opportunity to effectively communicate their skills, values, and vision to potential employers.

Our keynote speaker for event, Jey Kumar oil and Gas technical advisor shared with us insights on how to market yourself as professional in Canada that can result in in better economy and employment growth rate among international talent.

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Canadian Oil Production

KEYNOTE SPEAKERAlok Sahai, P Eng., MBA, President and CEO of Mass Natural Resources Inc

SUCCESS STORY: Maureen Imonirioma-Oyinleye, Finance Analyst, HelpSeeker Technologies

Throughout the 20th/21st centuries, oil and natural gas so far are primary fuel sources. Despite that, governments around the world have pledged to reach net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050. For Alberta, having an Oil and Gas economy, this looks different.

Here are some key statistics:

  • Worldwide, Canada ranks 3rd on Oil Reserves and 4th on Oil Production (Source: Statista)
  • Canada Oil & Gas: 7.5% of GDP (total: $1.9T) and 7 times of average in employment per GDP (Source: StatCan)
  • Alberta oil production: 74% of Canada, with 31.0% of total GDP
  • GHG emissions by Oil & Gas: 26.4%

Canada, which is ranked eighth overall and sixth on national preparedness, faces challenges to its decarbonization credibility as a major exporter of oil that is also developing a liquid natural gas export facility. But there is a political will to change. (Source: KPMG 2021)

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The Strategic Mindset- Pathway to Success

KEYNOTE SPEAKER:  Ernesto Santoscoy, MBA, P.Eng, PMP, Project Management Director at Cummins.

SUCCESS STORY: Daniel Shakeel, Financial Analyst, Finning International Inc.

Modern work life involves hustling between tasks and solving new challenges. Many attractive jobs today require people to be analytical problem solvers who can take on new challenges and find creative solutions for them.

Strategic thinking involves skills that allow you to use critical thinking to solve complex problems and plan ahead. These skills are critical to acing interviews, achieving business goals, overcoming barriers, and meeting challenges.

So, what can you do to help yourself? Is there a better way to complete this task?

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Digital Marketing and E-commerce

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Varun Chopra, Community and Culture on the Radical Digitization Team, Shopify

SUCCESS STORY: Efe Joveluro, Senior Project Manager, HelpSeeker Technologies

Economists believe that digital economy also known as internet economy, the new economy, or the web economy is the fourth industrial revolution. Few of the world’s biggest companies operate in the digital economy. A growing number of Canadians depend on it for their livelihood.

Ecommerce and digital marketing are not mutually exclusive. Ecommerce websites do use all the digital channels to promote a product and grow their business. Companies such as Shopify have optimized this opportunity by being at the right place at the right time. Today, Shopify is deemed to be the best ecommerce platform in the market.

“About 90 per cent of Canadians use the Internet every day. Globally, about 4.39 billion people use the Internet, or more than half the world’s population. This has resulted in the shift of billions of dollars from offline economy to e-commerce. E-commerce in Canada had reached $1.5 billion a month by 2019. E-commerce now makes up 14.1 per cent of global retail sales. As online connections strengthen, sales increase.”

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Social Media and Marketing for Professional Success

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Huong Vo, Marketing Specialist and Certified Career Strategist and Coach

SUCCESS STORY: Sagar Jani, Finance and Operations Specialist, Nuun Digital

Today, social media marketing is one of the most predominant types of digital marketing. With such a surge in its popularity, it was inevitable that businesses and professionals began to incorporate it as part of their marketing strategy.

Here are some key statistics:

  • 96 billion people use social media worldwide, according to platform reports on the current number of active users. (Source: Backlinko)
  • In 2020, the average time spent on social media per day is 2 hours 24 minutes globally for users aged 16 to 64 on any device. The total of 144 minutes is a 1.4% increase from 142 minutes the previous year, and up 38% in the past 5 years. (Source: Backlinko)
  • 54% of social browsers use social media to research products (GlobalWebIndex, 2018).
  • 63% of customers expect companies to offer customer service through their social media – and 90% of social media users have already connected with a brand or business through their chosen platform. (Source: Smartinsights)

With so many users online businesses have so much more opportunity to reach their ideal customers in the fastest way possible. The greater benefits of a good social media strategy are improved brand awareness, increased customer base and easy promotion of products and services to the right audience.

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Sharpening your Communication Skills

PANELISTS: Bob McDonald - Senior Draftsman Consultant at Golder

       Kristen Dawson - Coach, Corporate Culture and Self-Awareness Specialist

       Christal Reed – Global Connections CEO, Trainer, Coach and Author

       Steven Ngo – Senior Counsel at Visier Inc.

Communication is key to a healthy relationship and a compelling leadership. It is more nuanced than just oral talks and speeches. In today’s digital world, humans prefer to engage via social media than in-person. This has led to decline in effective communication in the real world.

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Reinvent, Pivot and Transition Successfully into a New Career Path

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Sara Struthers, Manager, Individual Learner Services, DX Talent Hub at Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT)

To transition into a new career and industry doesn’t mean that you need to begin from the bottom of the ladder. It is just a process of reinventing yourself. The reason for one to reinvent yourself can be a plenty. Maybe they lost a job, maybe they wanted a career change or maybe they believe there are better opportunities elsewhere. 

There are so many people who have successfully transitioned from their previous careers into a new path that is nowhere close to what they did earlier. Pivoting into a new course can be exciting, but it can also feel overwhelming.

Transitioning has its advantages too. While you are opening doors to better opportunities, you are also acquiring “transferable” skills that are highly valued in today’s job market.

To inspire and motivate us, we had our keynote speaker, Sara Struthers. During her initial days, she was looking after her family business. She slowly transitioned into being an HR professional and today she has found success in the tech world and is currently spearheading the Individual Learner Services of DX Talent at SAIT.

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The Future of Energy Sector and ESG

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Mahesh Makkar, Engineering Manager at Helios Consulting

SUCCESS STORY: Murtaza UI Hassan – Business Intelligence Specialist at University of Calgary

The increasing concerns of environmental pollution as a result of human activities, such as the use of fossil fuels for power generation, has driven many organizations to tap into alternative renewable energy sources and “cleaner” fuels and use more effective technologies, to minimize emissions that are produced during the life cycle of conventional energy sources.

The renewable energy market is changing – thanks to the increased demand for cleaner energy sources. Alberta, being one of the largest producers of natural gas, has seen evident growth in this sector. Experts anticipate a surge in projects that could make the province a leader in utility-scale wind and solar capacity as early as 2025.

With many sectors aiming for a greener footprint, socially conscious investors are now turning into ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria to help them avoid companies that pose a greater risk due to their environmental practices. Canada boasts of a world-leading record for overall ESG; however, many companies are still improving these assurance systems. A strong ESG helps Canadian resource companies maintain their production in this increasingly competitive global trading system, improve their market share and become a responsible source of renewable energy for the world.

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Recruitment Trends Shaped by the Pandemic

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Serge Boudreau – Talent Acquisition Director, Robots and Pencils and Recruitment Podcast Host

SUCCESS STORY: Elijah Oluwapojuwo – Senior Forensic Project Schedule Analyst at Trans Canada.

2020 has changed many rules forever. One of the most profound realities of the pandemic is how recruitment procedures were impacted. Current trends – many accelerated by the pandemic – have changed the rules of recruiting and hiring, requiring organizations and job seekers to adapt and embrace new practices to compete and triumph in the future war for talent.

Most organizations have had to rethink their recruitment strategies to perform well in the virtual environment. The whole idea of recruiting, assessing and hiring someone without meeting them in person is challenging for both hiring managers and candidates.

For candidates, their experience with virtual interviews is going to be very different from in-person interviews. The procedures in place are more streamlined to find the right fit. Companies are now using artificial intelligence recruitment- software such as Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter out the 'cream of the crop' candidates using veritable data. The initial phone screening remains the same, but the in-person interview has moved online. Video interviews, whether live or pre-recorded are the way to go. The change may be uncomfortable at first, but talent acquisition professionals and candidates are up for the task.

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Recruitment Trends Shaped by the Pandemic

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Serge Boudreau – Talent Acquisition Director, Robots and Pencils and Recruitment Podcast Host

SUCCESS STORY: Elijah Oluwapojuwo – Senior Forensic Project Schedule Analyst at Trans Canada.

2020 has changed many rules forever. One of the most profound realities of the pandemic is how recruitment procedures were impacted. Current trends – many accelerated by the pandemic – have changed the rules of recruiting and hiring, requiring organizations and job seekers to adapt and embrace new practices to compete and triumph in the future war for talent.

Most organizations have had to rethink their recruitment strategies to perform well in the virtual environment. The whole idea of recruiting, assessing and hiring someone without meeting them in person is challenging for both hiring managers and candidates.

For candidates, their experience with virtual interviews is going to be a whole lot different from the in-persons. The procedures in place are more streamlined to find the right fit. Companies are now using artificial intelligence recruitment- software such as Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter out the 'cream of the crop' candidates using veritable data. The initial phone-screening remains the same, but the in-person interview has moved online. Video interviews, whether live or pre-recorded are the way to go. The change may be uncomfortable at first, but talent acquisition professionals and candidates are up for the task.

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